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Description NUT ball valve with Giacomini art. R914x025 M.F. From 1 'with red lever integral passage for hydraulic systems temperature range -20 to + 185 C °
Description NUT ball valve with Giacomini art. R914x024 M.F. From 3/4 with red lever full flow for hydraulic systems temperature range -20 to + 185 C ° produced
Description p> NUT ball valve with Giacomini art. R914x026 M.F. From 11/4 with red lever integral switch for hydraulic systems temperature range -20 to + 185 C
Description NUT ball valve with Giacomini art. R914x027 M.F. From 11/2 with red lever integral switch for hydraulic systems temperature range -20 to + 185 C °
Description collector Giacomini art. R580C without 2-stage taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description P> Giacomini art collector. R580C without 3-point taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description Giacomini art collector. R580C with 4 seater taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description P> Giacomini art collector. R585C with 2 seater taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description Giacomini art collector. R585C with 3 seater taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description Giacomini art collector. R585C with 4 seater taps att. 3/4 base 1/2 d.16
Description COUPLE GIACOMINI COLLECTORS INTERMEDIATE TAP WITH ART. 585T DA 3/4 BASE 16 (for documentation see technical sheet)